La Partie is a French publishing house of illustrated books for all ages created in 2021.
We publish board books, picture books and illustrated non-fiction.
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Our titles

At The Break of Day
Camille Louzon

Big Hug
Annabelle Buxton


Our five senses
Séraphine Menu & Delphine Chedru

Pierre Alexis

Thank you

Adrien Parlange

The Little Careful Horse
Camille Floue & Camille Louzon

Farewell Snow White
Beatrice Alemagna

Somewhere Below the Stars
Ramona Bădescu & Amélie Jackowski

A Day Out of School
Rozenn Brécard

The Pearl
Anne-Margot Ramstein & Matthias Arégui

The Miniminimus
Éléonore Douspis

Bastien Contraire

Bastien Contraire

Clotaire dresses up
Janik Coat

Il faudra Ramona Bădescu & Loren Capelli

We’ll need to
Ramona Bădescu & Loren Capelli

Tom Octopus
Gaëtan Dorémus

Where Did The Wind Go ?
Bernadette Gervais

Evening Fears
Laurie Agusti

The Cat is too
Bastien Contraire & Caroline Cruzinha

On the edge
Nina Neuray

The Blind Mirror
Giacomo Nanni

Ice Hunter
Séraphine Menu & Marion Duval

A Flock of Sheep
Jean Da Ros

Nyanya and the Big Baby
Émilie Seron

Un matin, Jérôme Dubois et Laurie Agusti

One Morning
Jérôme Dubois & Laurie Agusti

A Story Saga Told Me
Suzanne Arhex

The Magicians

Froggy’s Bus
Pierre Alexis

Boubou Was Sure of it
Karen Hottois & Émilie Seron

Little Bear and Big Bear
Bernadette Gervais

31 boxes
Cécile Boyer

Hide-and-seek Baby
Pauline Martin

A long long life
Giulia Vetri

A Shelter
Adrien Parlange

Bastien Contraire

Catherine Loizeau & Béatrice Veillon

I Miss
Anne-Margot Ramstein

Victoire de Changy & Fanny Dreyer

Like an Orphan Sock
Roxane Lumeret

Lucky Night
Sarah Cheveau

A Moment on Earth
Seoha Lim

The Blue Water Puddle
Guillaume Chauchat & Manuel Zenner

Our Journey
Romain Bernard

Bad Cats
Delphine Chedru

Baby’s Animals
Pauline Martin

Baby at the Nursery
Pauline Martin

Zarra Comes From the Sea
Gaëtan Dorémus

Pauline Martin