Board book / 0-3 years / 26 pages / 20 x 20 cm / 13.90 € / June 2024 /
Baby at the Nursery
Pauline Martin
A new title in Pauline Martin’s series of board books presenting toddlers as actors of their own awakening and development.
In this fourth book, Baby goes to the nursery. Dad walks him there and the daycare provider welcomes him: Baby is ready to join the group. His familiar world now goes beyond his home: here, Baby has his own locker and a coat rack just for him! At the nursery, he learns to become a sociable child, to live with other children and adults, to overcome small anxieties and to discover life pleasures: with his friends, he shares games, food, moments of quiet and activities that help him grow up.
A whole day at the nursery, following rituals and activities well-known by the little ones.
Pauline Martin
The author and illustrator
Pauline Martin was born in 1975. After giving up medical school, she studied art at the Atelier de Sèvres and at the Institut des arts appliqués, where she took the class of Killoffer and met Dupuy and Berberian. At Ego Comme X, she published two autobiographical stories, La Boîte and La Meilleure du monde. She also published Leonora with David B. at Denoël Graphic.
Pauline Martin is also the author and illustrator of about 20 children’s books among which Ce que je sais de ma maman, Mon grand frère and Mon gros chat published by Albin Michel Jeunesse. Since 2015, she has been illustrating the best-selling series “Mon amour” published by Albin Michel and “Max et Lapin” published by Nathan, both written by Astrid Desbordes.
She lives and works in Paris.