Picture book / Ages 3+ / 56 pages / 17 x 20.5 cm / 15.90 €
October 2023
Nyanya and the Big Baby
Émilie Seron
How to escape your teasing big brothers? Sometimes all it takes is a big baby coming from a flying saucer to play with you…
Nyanya lives on the island. Because she’s the little one, her big brothers always laugh at her and tease her. One day while they’re playing hide and seek and no one is looking for her, Nyanya sees a flying saucer landing on the beach. A crying baby comes out of it! Nyanya comforts him and convinces him to play with her. Caught up in their games, they don’t notice that night has fallen. Suddenly, the big baby panics in the dark, but Nyanya brings him back to the flying saucer just before it flies off again. Nyanya walks home and when her big brothers see her, they are both relieved and impressed. Where was she all day, by herself? Nyanya prefers to keep to herself the tale of this special day…
A comforting story evoking the place of the last child and the friendships allowing to emancipate oneself and grow up.
Émilie Seron
The author and illustrator
Émilie Seron is a Belgian illustrator. Her first picture books were published by Pastel and Casterman. Her watercolours and ink images unveil an uncommon universe full of strange details. She also works for the press (Victoire, Le Soir, Le Vif, Le Ligueur, Courrier international) and is regularly published in the fanzine Cuistax. At La Partie, she previously published Boubou en était sûr (text by Karen Hottois). She lives in Brussels.