Picture book / Ages 6+ / 48 pages / 19 x 28 cm / 18 €
October 2023
Rights sold: Korean

Like an Orphan Sock
Roxane Lumeret

A hilarious feminist tale with pink rabbits as characters.  

Since his wife disappeared in a sinking, the Rabbit is lonely and tearful. He has put portraits of his dear Doe everywhere in the house, but with time they start to yellow and fade. To keep intact the image of his loved one, the Rabbit sees only one solution: to find a double and photograph her! Here starts a fanciful casting, where Rabbit auditions a Singer and an Accountant, but also a Pipistrelle-Dentist, a Museum-Skeleton-Dust-Remover and a Rice-Grain-Sorter. Stupidly demanding, the Rabbit refuses all of them and treats them badly, to say the least… but an underground revolt is brewing!

An unexpected romantic twist makes for a happy ending promoting second chance for everyone.

Roxane Lumeret
The author and illustrator

Roxane Lumeret was born in 1988. She studied at the Arts Décoratifs of Strasbourg. She is an illustrator of children’s books and comic books and her books have been published by Actes Sud, Albin Michel Jeunesse, Les Requins Marteaux. Her children’s books include On pense à toi, cheval !, L'enciellement de maman, Il était une fois une princesse et une petite fille, Le Grand chien et moi and Le Caramel du Jurassique which received the Pépite Award of the best illustrated book at the Montreuil Festival 2020.